王强 (硕导)
姓名 王强
性别 男
职称 副研究员
Email wangqiang@ujs.edu.cn
2008-2013 日本金泽大学医学部,博士
2005-2008 江苏大学生命科学学院,硕士
2001-2005 安徽农业大学生科院,本科
2019-至今 江苏大学生命科学学院,副研究员
2013-2014 日本理化学研究所分子遗传学实验室,博士后
1.Wang, Q., Z. Sun, S. Ma, X. Liu, H. Xia, and K. Chen. 2022. 'Molecular mechanism and potential application of bacterial infection in the silkworm, Bombyx mori', Dev Comp Immunol: 23:104381.
2.Wang, Q., J. Wang, M. Ren, S. Ma, X. Liu, K. Chen, and H. Xia. 2021. 'Peptidoglycan recognition protein-S1 acts as a receptor to activate AMP expression through the IMD pathway in the silkworm Bombyx mori', Dev Comp Immunol, 115: 103903.
3.Wang, Q., J. Wang, J. Wang, X. Ju, and H. Zhang. 2021. 'Molecular mechanism of shikonin inhibiting tumor growth and potential application in cancer treatment', Toxicol Res (Camb), 10: 1077-84.
4.Ju, X., Z. Yang, H. Zhang, and Q. Wang. 2021. 'Role of pyroptosis in cancer cells and clinical applications', Biochimie, 185: 78-86.
5.Ju, X., H. Zhang, Z. Zhou, M. Chen, and Q. Wang. 2020. 'Tumor-associated macrophages induce PD-L1 expression in gastric cancer cells through IL-6 and TNF-a signaling', Exp Cell Res, 396: 112315.
6.Wang, Q., M. Ren, X. Liu, H. Xia, and K. Chen. 2019. 'Peptidoglycan recognition proteins in insect immunity', Mol Immunol, 106: 69-76.
7.Wang, Q., F. Feng, J. Wang, M. Ren, Z. Shi, X. Mao, H. Zhang, and X. Ju. 2019. 'Liver X receptor activation reduces gastric cancer cell proliferation by suppressing Wnt signalling via LXRbeta relocalization', J Cell Mol Med. 23(2):789-797
8.Wang, Q., X. Ju, J. Wang, Y. Fan, M. Ren, and H. Zhang. 2018. 'Immunogenic cell death in anticancer chemotherapy and its impact on clinical studies', Cancer Lett. 438:17-23.
9.Wang, Q., M. Ren, F. Feng, K. Chen, and X. Ju. 2018. 'Treatment of colon cancer with liver X receptor agonists induces immunogenic cell death', Mol Carcinog, 57: 903-10.
10.Wang, Q., Y. Zhou, K. Chen, and X. Ju. 2016a. 'Identification and characterization of an atypical 2-cys peroxiredoxin from the silkworm, Bombyx mori', Insect Mol Biol, 25: 347-54.