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编辑:陈亮 时间:2020年04月09日 15:39 访问次数:


电子邮箱:oochen@ujs.edu.cn; 49858145@qq.com

陈亮博士,安徽芜湖人,江苏大学生命科学学院副研究员,硕士生导师,兴趣领域是从多组学角度开展动物分子生物学研究,此外利用模式生物家蚕检测环境因子的危害并探讨环境因子对生物的毒理机制。近年来,在Journal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of ProteomicsEnvironmental Pollution等国际国内知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文十余篇,参编专著2部,参与国家授权专利3项,并应邀担任Ecotoxicology and environmental safetyFrontiers in PhysiologyInsect Science等多个学术期刊审稿人、特刊编辑或审稿编辑。主持国家自然科学基金(31802140并结题、江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金项目(14JDG157),江苏省高校自然科学研究项目(15KJD180001已结题)、参与国际(地区)合作与交流项目(31861143051)、973课题(2012CB114604已结题)及多项国家级科研项目(31872425)(31600952)(81502621)。获得2016年度江苏省科学技术三等奖。










Molecular Biology海外留学生课程





[1] Wu Tong, Ding Lei, Andoh V, Zhang Jiaxin, Chen Liang*. The Mechanism of Hyperglycemia-Induced Renal Cell Injury in Diabetic Nephropathy Disease: An Update. Life. 2023, 13(2):539. IF 3.25通讯作者

[2] Liang Chen*, Tongyu Gu, Tong Wu, Lei Ding, Qi Ge, Yao Zhang, Shangshang Ma, Proteotranscriptomic Integration analyses reveals new mechanistic insights regarding Bombyx mori fluorosis, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2022,169, 113414, (毒理学1Top期刊IF 5.57)

[3] Tongyu Gu, Nianmin Wang, Tong Wu, Qi Ge, Liang Chen*Antioxidative Stress Mechanisms behind Resveratrol: A Multidimensional Analysis, Journal of Food Quality, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5571733. IF 3.20通讯作者

[4] Chen Liang, Meng Xu, Gu Jie, Fan Weiqiang, Abdlli Nouara, Peprah Addai Frank, Wang, NiannianZhu Feifei, Lü Peng, Ma Shangshang, Chen Keping *, Silver nanoparticle toxicity in silkworms: Omics technologies for a mechanistic understanding, Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2019, 172:388-395. (毒理学1Top期刊IF 7.12)

[5] Chen L, Yang Yanhua, Wang Yiting, Qiu Lipeng, Xia Hengchuan, Wang Aiai, Liu Hailong, Shi Hongfei*, Chen Keping*. Proteomic Response of the Rat Liver in Differential Swimming Modes. Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology. 2018, 45(6):581-590.

[6] Chen L, Lü X, Chen K*. An Investigation and Evaluation on Species and Characteristics of Pathogenic Microorganisms in Chinese Local Hospital Settings. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2015, 89:154-160.

[7] Chen L, Chen H, Yao C, Chang C., Zhang C. Chen K*. The toxicity of NaF on BmN cells and a comparative proteomics approach to identify protein expression changes in cells under NaF-stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 286: 624–631. (环境科学与生态学1区,Top期刊IF 14.22)

[8] Chen L, You Z, Xia H, Tang Q, Zhou Y, Yao Q, Chen K*. Spatiotemporal expression profile of pumilio gene in the embryonic development of silkworm. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. 2014, 69(7-8).317-324.

[9] Chen L, Xia H, Wang Y, Chen K, Qin L, Wang B, Yao Q, Li J, He Y, Zhao, E*. Proteomic profiling of liver from Elaphe taeniura, a common snake in eastern and southeastern Asia. Genet Mol Biol. 2013, 36(3):438-447.

[10] Chen L, Chen C, Zhang C, Yao Q, Zhao E*. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme involved in the immune response caused by pathogens invasion. Open Journal of Immunology. 2013, 3, (3):93-97.

[11] 陈亮,陈克平*,刘伟,赵尔宓*. 黑眉锦蛇的肝脏转录组分析. 四川动物. 2014, 33, (1):1-7.

[12] Huan Zuo#, Liang Chen#, Ming Kong, Yanhua Yang, Peng Lü, Lipeng Qiu, Qiang Wang, Shangshang Ma, Keping Chen*, The toxic effect of sodium fluoride on Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells and differential protein analysis following NaF treatment of cells. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236: 313-323. (环境科学2区,Top期刊IF 9.98)

[13] Huan Zuo, Liang Chen, Ming Kong, Lipeng Qiu, Peng Lü, Peng Wu, Yanhua Yang, Keping Chen*. Toxic effects of fluoride on organisms. Life Sciences, 2018, 198:18-24.

[14] Ge Q, Chen L, Tang M, Zhang S, Gao L, Ma S, Liu L, Kong M, Yao Q, Chen K*, Feng F. Analysis of mulberry leaf components in the treatment of diabetes using network pharmacology. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018, 833:50-62

[15] Rong Feng, Liang Chen, Keping Chen*, Fermentation trip: amazing microbes, amazing metabolisms. Annals of Microbiology. 2018, 68 (11) 717–729.

[16] Qi Ge, Liang C, Keping C*. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Using iPS Cells and Spice Polyphenols. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2017, 2017:1-11.

[17] 鞠小丽, 陈亮, 陈克平*. 程序性细胞死亡Pyroptosis最新研究进展[J]. 安徽医科大学学报, 2017, 52(3):456-461

[18] Feng F, Chen L, Lian C, Xia H, Zhou Y, Yao Q, Chen K*, Comparative proteomic analysis reveals the suppressive effects of dietary high glucose on the midgut growth of silkworm. Journal of Proteomics. 2014, 108124-132. (生物学2IF 3.8)


1.《赵尔宓选集》(上)科学出版社  2010-1

《赵尔宓选集》(下)科学出版社  2012-5

2.《现代环境生物技术与应用》 2018-11




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