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编辑:李玉龙 时间:2019年04月29日 09:43 访问次数:




E-mail : liyulongcas@163.com


2013-2018年 德国哈勒-维腾贝格大学 莱布尼茨植物生物化学研究所 博士

2010-2013年 中国科学院大学 遗传与发育所农业资源研究中心 硕士

2006-2010年 山东理工大学 生命科学学院 学士






1.m6A甲基转移酶BnaMTA和BnaFIP37调控油菜分枝发育的机理研究国家自然科学基金青年项目32001582),2021.01-2023.12, 主持





5.小麦盐胁迫与微量元素养分缺乏的交互作用及适应机制中科院知识创新重大方向性项目 (KSCX2-EW-Q-25),2011,参与


1. Yu‐Long Li#, Yan‐Kun Yu#, Ke‐Ming Zhu, Li‐Na Ding, Zheng Wang, Yan‐Hua Yang, Jun Cao, Li‐Zhang Xu, Yao‐Ming Li and Xiao‐Li Tan*. Down‐regulation of MANNANASE7 gene in Brassica napus L. enhances silique dehiscence‐resistance.

Plant Cell Reports 2021, DOI:10.1007/s00299-020-02638-5.

2. Yukang Wang#, Yulong Li#, Zhengli Fu, Qi Huang, Xuguo Yue, Yong Wang, Keming Zhu, Zheng Wang, Yongshen Ge, Zhonghua Wang and Xiaoli Tan*. Transcriptome analysis of Brassica napus wax-deficient mutant revealed the dynamic regulation of leaf wax biosynthesis is associated with basic pentacysteine 6. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2019, DOI: 10.17957/IJAB/15.1015.

3. YulongLiYuan,Zhang, DongqingShi,XiaojingLiu, Jun Qin, Qing Ge, LonghuaXu, XiangliangPan, Wei Li, YiyongZhu, Jin Xu. (2013). Spatial-temporal analysis of zinc homeosatsisreveals the response mechanisms to acute zinc deficiency in Sorghum bicolor. New Phytologist, 200(4): 1102-1115. (SCI IF: 7.330)

4. Jin Xu,YulongLi, JianhangSun, LiguoDu, Yuan Zhang, Qiong Yu, XiaojingLiu. (2012) Comparetive physiological and proteomic response to abrupt low temperature stress between two winter wheat cultivars differing in low temperature tolerance. Plant Biology, 15(2): 292-303. (SCI IF: 2.106)

5. Jin Xu, YiyongZhu, Qing Ge, YulongLi, JianhangSun, Yuan Zhang, XiaojingLiu. (2012)

Comparative physiological responses of Solanum nigrum and Solanum toruvmto cadmium stress. New Phytologist, 196(1): 125-138. (SCIIF: 7.330)

6. Jin Xu, HengxiaYin, YulongLi, XiaojingLiu. (2010) Nitric Oxide is associated with long-term zinatolerance in Solanum nigrum. Plant Physiology, 154(3). (SCIIF: 6.456)

7. DongqingShi, Yuan Zhang, JinhuMa, YulongLi, Jin Xu. (2013) Identification of zinc deficiency-responsive MicroRNAs in Brassica juncea roots by small RNA sequencing. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12(11). (SCI IF: 1.042)

8.李玉龙,高峰,孙建杭,喻琼,侯晓宇,刘小京,徐进. (2012) Fe对龙葵幼苗Zn毒害耐受性的影响.中国生态农业学报, 20卷10期. (CSCD IF: 1.560)

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