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职称 :副研究员



1996-2000年 山东农业大学 蚕学系 学士

2000-2003年 山东农业大学 生物化学与分子生物学专业 硕士

2005-2009年 浙江大学 遗传学专业 博士


2003-2005 山东滨州畜牧兽医研究所 研究实习员

2009-至今 江苏大学生命科学研究院 助理研究员、副研究员

2016-2017 香港中文大学 访问学者、Honor Associate Research


Mol Biol Evol; IJBM; JAR; PPB; Plant Mol Biol; Front Plant Sci; Funct Integr Genomics; BMC Evol Biol; Gene; Genes & GenomicsSCI期刊评审。


连续四年(2021202220232024)入选Elsevier全球Top2% Scientists榜单(https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7




1. 分子遗传与进化;

2. 植物作物重要农艺性状基因挖掘与功能鉴定


1. 国家奖学金获得者:4人次

2. 校优秀研究生学位论文:2人次

【发表文章】(* Correspondence author)

Dong K, Ye Z, Hu F, Shan C, Wen D, Cao J*. Improvement of Plant Quality by Amino Acid Transporters: A Comprehensive Review. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2024, 215:109084. 10.1016/j.plaphy.2024.109084

Cao J*, Tan X, and Cheng X. Over-expression of the BnVIT-L2 gene improves the lateral root development and biofortification under iron stress. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2024, 208:108501.

Hu F, Fang D, Zhang W, Dong K, Ye Z, Cao J*. Lateral root primordium: Formation, influencing factors and regulation. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2024, 207:108429.

Hu F, Ye Z, Dong K, Zhang W, Fang D, Cao J*. Divergent Structures and Functions of the Cupin Proteins in Plants. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023, 242: 124791. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124791

Zhang W, Fang D, Dong K, Hu F, Ye Z, Cao J*. Insights into the Environmental Factors Shaping Lateral Root Development. Physiol. Plant. 2023, 175(2):e13878. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13878

Ye Z, Hu F, Zhang W, Fang D, Dong K, Cao J*. Amino Acid Transporters of Brassica napus: Identification, Evolution, Expression and Response to Various Stresses. Ind. Crops Prod. 2023, 194:116338.

Fang D, Zhang W, Ye Z, Hu F, Cheng X, Cao J*. The Plant Special SHORT INTERNODES/STYLISH (SHI/STY) Proteins: Structure and Functions. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2023, 194:685-695.

Hu F, Ye Z, Zhang W, Fang D, Cao J*. Decipher the molecular evolution and expression patterns of Cupin family genes in oilseed rape. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023, 227:437-452.

Zhang W, Fang D, Ye Z, Hu F, Cheng X, Cao J*. Identification and molecular evolution of the La and LARP genes in 16 plant species: A focus on the Gossypium hirsutum. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023, 224:1101-1117.

Cao J*. Functional Divergence of the N-lobe and C-lobe of Transferrin Gene in Pungitius sinensis (Amur stickleback). Animals. 2022, 12, 3458.

Fang D, Zhang W, Cheng XZ, Hu F, Ye Z, Cao J*. Molecular evolutional analysis of the SHI/STY gene family in land plants: a focus on the Brassica species. Front. Plant Sci. 2022, 13:958964.

Zhang WM, Cheng XZ, Fang D, Cao J*. AT-HOOK MOTIF NUCLEAR LOCALIZED (AHL) proteins of ancient origin radiate new functions. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022, 214:290-300.    

Zhang WM, Fang D, Cheng XZ, Cao J* and Tan XL* (2021) Insights Into the Molecular Evolution of AT-Hook Motif Nuclear Localization Genes in Brassica napus. Front. Plant Sci. 2021, 12:714305.

Cao J*, Cheng X. Characterization and molecular evolution of claudin genes in the Pungitius sinensis. J Comp Physiol B 2020, 190: 749-759.

Cao J*, Cheng X. Molecular evolution and characterization of fish stathmin genes. Animals 2020, 10(8): 1328.

Cao J*, Cheng X. Transcriptome-based identification and molecular evolution of the Cytochrome P450 genes and expression profiling under dimethoate treatment in Amur stickleback (Pungitius sinensis). Animals 2019, 9: 873.

Tan X, Li K, Wang Z, Zhu K, Tan X* and Cao J*. A review of plant vacuoles: formation, located proteins, and functions. Plants 2019, 8: 327.

Cao J*, Wang B, Tan X. Transcriptomic responses of the clam Meretrix meretrix to the organophosphorus pesticide (dimethoate). Ecotoxicology 2019, 28: 539-549.

Cao J*, Lv Y, Li X. Interspaced repeat sequences confer the regulatory functions of AtXTH10, important for root growth in Arabidopsis. Plants 2019, 8: 130.

Cao J*, Shi F. Comparative Analysis of the aquaporin Gene Family in 12 Fish Species. Animals 2019, 9: 233.

Cao J*, Tan X. Comprehensive analysis of the chitinase family genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Plants 2019, 8: 52.

Cao J*. Molecular Evolution of the Vacuolar Iron Transporter (VIT) Family Genes in 14 Plant Species. Genes 2019, 10: 144.

Hui K, Ren Q*, Cao J*. Insights into the intestine immune of Marsupenaeus japonicus under the white spot syndrome virus challenge using RNA sequencing. Vet Immuno Immunopathol 2019, 208: 25-33.

Cao J*, Tan X. Comparative analysis of the tetraspanin gene family in six teleost fishes. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2018, 82:432-441.

Cao J*, Tan X. Comparative and evolutionary analysis of the 14-3-3 family genes in eleven fishes. Gene 2018, 662:76-82.

Cao J, Wu L, Jin M, Li T, Hui K*, Ren Q*. Transcriptome profiling of the Macrobrachium rosenbergii lymphoid organ under the white spot syndrome virus challenge. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2017, 67:27-39.

Cao J*, Li X, Lv Y. Dynein light chain family genes in 15 plant species: identification, evolution and expression profiles. Plant Sci 2017, 254:70-81.

Cao J*, Lv Y. Evolutionary analysis of the jacalin-related lectin family genes in 11 fishes. Fish Shellfish Immunol 2016, 56:543-553.

Cao J*, Lv Y, Hou Z, Li X, Chen Y, Ding L. Expansion and evolution of thaumatin-like protein (TLP) gene family in six plants. Plant Growth Regul 2016, 79:299-307.

Cao J, Chen Y, JinM, Ren Q*. Enhanced antimicrobial peptide-induced activity in the mollusc Toll-2 family through evolution via tandem Toll/interleukin-1 receptor. R Soc Open Sci 2016, 3:160123.

Hou Z, Cao J*. Comparative study of the P2X gene family in animals and plants. Purinergic Signal 2016, 12:269-281.

Cao J*. Analysis of the prefoldin gene family in 14 plant species. Front Plant Sci 2016, 7:317.

Li X, Cao J*. Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) gene family in maize: identification, evolution, and expression profiles. Plant Mol Biol Rep 2016, 34:15-28.

Ding LN, Yang GX, Cao J, Zhou Y, Yang RY. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a DNA damage-inducible (DDI) gene in Arabidopsis. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol. 2016, 94:126-133.

Ding L, Yang R, Yang G, Cao J, Li P, Zhou Y. Identification of putative phosphoproteins in wheat spikes induced by Fusarium graminearum. Planta 2016, 243:719-731.

Ding LN, Yang GX, Yang RY, Cao J, Zhou Y. Investigating interactions of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signaling pathways in monocots wheat. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol. 2016, 93: 67-74.

Cao J*. Evolutionary analysis of the Translin-associated protein X (TraX) gene family in eukaryotes. IJRSB 2015, 3(10):132-141.

Chen Y, Cao J*. Comparative analysis of Dof transcription factor family in maize. Plant Mol Biol Rep 2015, 33:1245-1258.

Cao J*, Li X, Lv Y, Ding L. Comparative analysis of the phytocyanin gene family in 10 plant species: a focus on Zea mays. Front Plant Sci 2015, 6:515.

Cao J*, Li X. Identification and phylogenetic analysis of late embryogenesis abundant proteins family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Planta 2015, 241:757-772.

Cao J, Han X, Zhang T, Yang Y, Huang J*, Hu X*. Genome-wide and molecular evolution analysis of the subtilase gene family in Vitis vinifera. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:1116.

Liu DT, Cao J, Xu K*. Analyses of the UBX protein family in Populus and Vitis. Plant Div Res. 2014, 36:349-357.

Chen Y, Cao J*. Comparative genomic analysis of the Sm gene family in rice and maize. Gene. 2014, 539:238-249.

Chen Y, Hao X, Cao J*. Small auxin upregulated RNA (SAUR) gene family in maize: Identification, evolution, and its phylogenetic comparison with Arabidopsis, rice, and sorghum. J Integr Plant Biol. 2014, 56:133-150.

Cao J*, Shi F. Genomic analysis of mitochondrial carrier genes in the Bombyx mori. JIA. 2012, 11:1707-1713.

Cao J*. The pectin lyases in Arabidopsis thaliana: evolution, selection and expression profiles. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7:e46944.

Cao J*, Shi F. Dynamics of arginase gene evolution in metazoans. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2012, 30:407-418.

Cao J*, Shi F. Evolution of the RALF gene family in plants: gene duplication and selection patterns. Evol Bioinform Online. 2012, 8:271-292.

曹军*. 真核生物内含子研究进展. 生物过程. 2011, 1:9-12.

Cao J, Huang J, Yang Y, Hu X*. Analyses of the oligopeptide transporter gene family in poplar and grape. BMC Genomics. 2011, 12:465.

Cao J*, Shi F, Liu X, Jia J, Zeng J, Huang G. Genome-wide identification and evolutionary analysis of Arabidopsis Sm genes family. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2011, 28:535-544.

Cao J*, Shi F, Liu X, Huang G, Zhou M. Phylogenetic analysis and evolution of aromatic amino acid hydroxylase. FEBS Lett. 2010, 584: 4775-4782.

Cao J, Tong C, Wu X, Lv J, Yang Z, Jin Y*. Identification of conserved microRNAs in Bombyx mori (silkworm) and regulation of fibroin L chain production by microRNAs in heterologous system. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 2008, 38(12):1066-71.

Cao J, Wu X, Jin Y*. Lower GC-content in editing exons: implications for regulation by molecular characteristics maintained by selection. Gene. 2008, 421(1-2):14-9.

Jin Y*, Tian N, Cao J, Liang J, Yang Z, Lv J. RNA editing and alternative splicing of the insect nAChR subunit alpha6 transcript: evolutionary conservation, divergence and regulation. BMC Evol Biol. 2007, 7:98.



1. 中国博士后科学基金《串联重复序列调控基因表达的研究》(2012M511685),(2012.07-2014.07),(5万)

2. 国家自然科学基金《拟南芥启动子区串联重复序列鉴定及其对基因表达的影响》(31100923) (2012.01-2014.12)(26)

3. 江苏省自然科学基金《拟南芥启动子区串联重复序列鉴定及其对基因表达的影响》(BK2011467)(2011.07-2014.07)(10)

4. 江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金《植物共生菌Serratia plymuthica G3 RsmA蛋白调节sRNA/mRNA鉴定及其信号传导分析》(10JDG027)(2010.01-2013.1)(5)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《甘蓝型油菜一液胞铁转运蛋白基因(BnVIT-L2)参与铁胁迫下植物侧根发育的分子机制》(31871655),(2019.01-2022.12),(71.35万)

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《氨基酸转运蛋白基因BnAAP3L参与生长素介导LBD29调控油菜侧根发育的分子机制研究》(32072019),(2021.01-2024.12),(69.5万)



2.军等. 一种在植物柱头和花托特异性表达β-D-葡糖醛酸酶基因的方法。(201210329015.3)

3.曹军等. 一种结合串联重复序列(TTTACAC)5Dof蛋白质。(201410192408.3


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