姓 名:陈东锋
出生年月:1981 年 8 月 3 日
职 称:副教授
电子邮箱: dongfengchen2020@foxmail.com
2000.09-2004.07 吉林大学生物工程专业,学士学位
2004.09-2007.10 浙江理工大学新元生物医学研究所与第二军医大学联合培养,硕士学位2010.04-2013.10 瑞典Lund University生物医学中心临床科学系,博士学位
2018.09-至今 江苏大学生命科学学院,副研究员
2017.04-2018.08 江苏大学生命科学学院,资格副研究员
2013.11-2019.06 瑞典University of Gothenburg, 博士后
2008.02-2010.03 瑞典Lund University,助理研究员
2007.05-2008.01 第二军医大学东方肝胆外科医院,助理研究员
1. 改造溶瘤病毒,研究联合免疫新疗法,设计靶向实体肿瘤的治疗新策略
2. 研究肿瘤微环境形成的细胞分子调控机制及靶点筛选
主持科研项目 |
科技部高端外国专家引进项目 | 400000RMB | 2021-2022 |
Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond | 308000SEK | 2015-2019 |
KVVS | 65000SEK | 2018-2019 |
Stiftelsen Wilhelmoch Martina Lundgrens Vetenskap | 25000SEK | 2019 |
Adlerbertskaforskningsstiftelsen | 144000SEK | 2016-2019 |
Barncancerfonden博士后项目 | 2670000SEK | 2015-2018 |
Lion Cancerfond | 100000SEK | 2014-2015 |
Stiftelsen Wilhelmoch Martina Lundgrens Vetenskap | 15000SEK | 2015 |
1.Chen D, Camponeschi A, Nordlund J, Marincevic-Zuniga Y, Abrahamsson J, Lönnerholm G, Fogelstrand L, Mårtensson IL. RAG1 co-expression signature identifies ETV6-RUNX1-like B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Cancer Med, 2021, 10(12):3997-4003
2.D. Chen, A Camponeschi, Q Wu, N Gerasimčik, H Li, X Shen, Y Tan, H Sjögren, J Abrahamsson, J Nordlund, G Lönnerholm, L Fogelstrand and IL Mårtensson. CD99 expression strongly associates with clinical outcome in children with B cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. British Journal of Hematology, 2019, 184(3):418-423.
3.Dongfeng Chen, Natalija Gerasimčik, Alessandro Camponeschi, Yujie Tan, Qingqing Wu, Siggeir Brynjolfsson, Junxiong Zheng, Jonas Abrahamsson, Jessica Nordlund, Gudmar Lönnerholm, Linda Fogelstrand and Inga-Lill Mårtensson. CD27 expression and its association with clinical outcome in children and adults with pro-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Cancer Journal, 2017, 7: e575.
4.Dongfeng Chen, Junxiong Zheng, Kristina Lagerstedt, Natalija Gerasimcik, Helene Sjögren, Jonas Abrahamsson, Linda Fogelstrand,d and Inga-Lill Mårtensson. The expression pattern of the pre-B cell receptor components correlates with cellular stage and clinical outcome in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. PLOS ONE, 2016,11(9): e0162638.
5.Dongfeng Chen*, Yingyu Sun*, Wei Zhang*, Yuhong Lv*, Junxiong Zheng, Henrik Lilljebjörn, Liang Ran, Zhaoshi Bo, Charlotte Soneson, Hans Olov Sjogern, Leif G. Salford, Jianguang Ji, Pim J. French, Thoas Fioretos, Tao Jiang, and Xiaolong Fan. A glioma classification scheme based on coexpression modules of EGFR and PDGFRA. PNAS, 2014, 111(9): 3538-3543 (* Equal contribution to this work).
6.Dongfeng Chen, Duo Zuo, Cheng Luan, Manli Na, Liang Ran, Yingyu Sun, Annette Persson, Elisabet Englund, Leif G. Salford, Erik Renström, Xiaolong Fan*, Enming Zhang*. Glioma cell proliferation controlled by ERK activity-dependent surface expression of PDGFRA. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e87281 (* Equal contribution to this work).
7.Dongfeng Chen*, Manli Na*, Bo Holmqvist, Liang Ran, Jie Jin, Johan Rebetz, Xiaolong Fan. Adenovirus assembly is impaired by BMI1-related acetylation activity. Virology, 2014, 456-457: 227-237. (* Equal contribution to this work and corresponding author).
8.Dongfeng Chen, Annette Persson, Yingyu Sun, David Gisselsson Nord, Elisabet Englund, Tao Jiang, Xiaolong Fan. Better prognosis of patients with glioma expressing FGF2-dependent PDGFRA expression irrespective of morphological diagnosis. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(4): e61556.
9.Dongfeng Chen*,Lin Chen*, Mouchun Gong, Manli Na, Linfang Li, Hongping Wu, Lihua Jiang, Yanzhen Qian, Guoen Fang, and Xuchao Xue. Concomitant use of Ad5/35 Chimeric Oncolytic Adenovirus with TRAIL Gene and taxol produces synergistic cytoxicity in gastric cancer cells. Cancer Letters, 2009, 284(2): 141-8. (* Equal contribution to this work).
10.Huan T*, Chen D*, Liu G, Zhang H, Wang X, Wu Z, Wu Y, Xu Q, Yu F. Activation-induced cell death in CAR-T cell therapy. Hum Cell, 2022, 35(2):441-447. (* Equal contribution to this work).
11.Kong A, Zhang Y, Ning B, Li K, Ren Z, Dai S, Chen D, Zhou Y, Gu J, Shi H. Cadmium induces triglyceride levels via microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) accumulation caused by lysosomal deacidification regulated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ homeostasis. Chem Biol Interact, 2021, 348:109649.
12.Zhang Y, Li K, Kong A, Zhou Y, Chen D, Gu J, Shi H. Dysregulation of autophagy acts as a pathogenic mechanism of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) induced by common environmental pollutants. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2021, 217:112256.
13.Abukar Ali, Manli Na, Mattias N.D. Svensson, Malin Magnusson, Amanda Welin, Jan-Christoph Schwarze, Majd Mohammad, Elisabet Josefsson, Rille Pullerit[1]Kosiba AA, Wang Y, Chen D, Wong CKC, Gu J, Shi H. The roles of calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) in heavy metals-induced nephrotoxicity. Life Sci, 2020, 242:117183.
14.Gu J, Wang Y, Liu Y, Shi M, Yin L, Hou Y, Zhou Y, Chu Wong CK, Chen D, Guo Z, Shi H. Inhibition of Autophagy Alleviates Cadmium-Induced Mouse Spleen and Human B Cells Apoptosis.
Toxicol Sci. 2019, 170(1):109-122
15.Camponeschi A*, Gerasimcik N*, Wang Y, Fredriksson T, Chen D, Farroni C, Thorarinsdottir K, Sjökvist Ottsjö L, Aranburu A, Cardell S, Carsetti R, Gjertsson I, Mårtensson IL and Grimsholm O. Dissecting integrin expression and function on memory B cells in mice and humans in autoimmunity. Frontiers in Immunology, 2019, 10:534.
16.Ola Grimsholm*, Weicheng Ren*, Angelina I. Bernardi, Haixia Chen, Giljun Park, Alessandro Camponeschi, Dongfeng Chen, Berglind Bergmann, Nina Höök, Sofia Andersson, Anneli Strömberg, Inger Gjertsson, Susanna Cardell, Ulf Yrlid, Alessandra De Riva, Inga-Lill Mårtensson. Absence of surrogate light chain results in spontaneous autoreactive germinal centres expanding VH81X- expressing B cells. Nature Communications, 2015, 6: p.7077 (* Equal contribution to this work).
17.Yanling Liu, Martin Hedström, Dongfeng Chen, Xiaolong Fan, Bo Mattiasson. A capacitive DNA sensor-based test for simple and sensitive analysis of antibiotic resistance in field setting. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 64: 255-259