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编辑:袁卫家 时间:2024年02月26日 08:16 访问次数:



职称: 副研究员

电话: 15052945866

E-mail: zhouyang@ujs.edu.cn



1997-2001 南京师范大学学士

2001-2004 安徽农业大学硕士

2007-2010 江苏大学生命科学研究院博士

2019-2020 瑞典哥德堡大学医学院,访问学者


1. 游离DNA的功能及在产前筛查、肿瘤、器官移植中的应用;

2. 病原微生物感染检测;

3. 模式动物金属离子代谢及功能基因分析


(1) 横向课题,1871330003,游离DNAcell-free DNA, cfDNA)在肾移植免疫排斥中的应用技术开发,2017/12-2021/.12, 200万,主持

(2) 国家自然青年基金,31301919,家蚕氨基酸转运蛋白与其抗BmNPV 功能的研究,2014/01–2016/1224万,已结题,主持

(3) 江苏省青年基金,BK20130506,基于生物组学方法研究铁代谢调控家蚕免疫和生长分子机制,201307-20160620万,已结题,主持

(4) 国家自然基金面上项目,31271272,通过蛋白组转录组和基因筛选研究镉诱导生物毒性的机理,201301-20161280万,已结题,参加(排名第二)

(5) 国家自然青年基金,31200602,基于脂肪酶A 突变体探索无固定结构蛋白催化机制,2012/01–2015/1223 万元,已结题,参加(排名第二)

(6) 国家自然青年基金,31200209N-乙酰基高丝氨酸内酯对植物耐盐性的影响及机制分析,2012/01–2015/1222 万元,已结题,参加(排名第三)

(7) 国家自然青年基金,31101673,家蚕β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶2对核型多角体病毒蛋白糖基化的影响,2011/01–2014/1224 万元,已结题,参加(排名第三)


1. Zhou, Y, Frank Peprah Addai,,, HaifengShi*. Heavy metal-induced lipogenic gene aberration, lipid dysregulation and obesogenic effect: a review. Environ Chem Lett (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10311-021-01383-9. (IF: 12.346)

2. Yang Zhou, Ya-Jiao Wu, Lei Wang, Juan Han, Jia-Cong Wu, Chun-Mei Li, Yun Wang, Natural deep eutectic solvents as green and biocompatible reaction medium for carbonic anhydrase catalysis, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (2021), 190: 206-213. (二区,IF: 6.953)

3. Yang ZhouDongrui Chen, Tingya Jiang*. The role of donor-derived cell-free DNA in the detection of renal allograft injury. Nephrologie & Therapeutique, 2021, 17(1):12-17.

4. FrankPeprah Addai, TaotaoWang, Anthony A.Kosiba ,,, HaifengShi*. Yang Zhou*. Integration of elastin-like polypeptide fusion system into the expression and purification of Lactobacillus sp. B164 β-galactosidase for lactose hydrolysis,  2020, 311, 123513. (通讯,一区 IF: 9.642)

5. Frank Peprah Addai, Feng Lin, Taotao Wang ,,, Yang Zhou*, Haifeng Shi*. Technical integrative approaches to cheese whey valorization towards sustainable environment. Food & Function. 2020, 11, 8407. (通讯,一区 IF:5.396)

6. Yang Zhou, Xiaofeng Li, Dandan Yan ,,, Feng Lin*, Haifeng Shi*. Multifunctional elastin‑like polypeptide renders β‑glucosidase enzyme phase transition and high stability, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2019 12:157. (一区,IF:6.04)

7. Yang Zhou, Xiaodong Yuan, Jingchi Wang ,,, Jie Gu, Haifeng Shi. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of secreted ferritin in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Biometals. 2019, 32:757-769.

8. Yang Zhou, Yingying Wang, Xiaofeng Li ,,, Haifeng Shi*. Applying microarray-based technique to study and analyze silkworm (Bombyx mori) transcriptomic response to long-term high iron diet, Genomics, 111(6): 1504-1513. (二区,IF: 5.736)

9. Yang Zhou, Gongda Yang, Haitao Liu ,,, Longkai Peng, Lei Liu*. A Noninvasive and donor independent method simultaneously monitors rejection and infection in organ transplant patients. Transplantation Proceedings, 2019, 51(6):1699-1705.

10. Jia Shen#, Yang Zhou#, Yawen Chen ,,, Tingya Jiang*, Rending Wang*. Dynamics of early post-operative plasma ddcfDNA levels in kidney transplantation: a single-center pilot study, Transplant International, 2019, 32(2):184-192. (共同第一)

11. Emmanuella E. Fletcher, Dandan Yan, Anthony A. Kosiba, Yang Zhou∗, Haifeng Shi∗. Biotechnological applications of elastin-like polypeptides and the inverse transition cycle in the pharmaceutical industry, Protein Expression and Purification, 2019, 153: 114–120. (通讯)

12. Yang Zhou, Yawen Cheng, Tingya Chiang ,,, Jun Gu, Lei Liu*. Noninvasive Detection of Infection and Rejection in Renal Transplant Patients, American Journal of Transplantation, 18( SI): 520-521. (一区,IF: 8.086)

13. Yang Zhou, Dandan Yan, Shaofei Yuan ,,, Haifeng Shi, Bangxing Han*, Selective binding, magnetic separation and purification of histidine-tagged protein using biopolymer magnetic core-shell nanoparticles, Protein Expression and Purification, 2018, 144: 5-11.

14. Feng Lin, Dandan Yan, Yawen Chen ,,, Bangxing Han, Yang Zhou*, Cloning, purification and enzymatic characterization of recombinant human superoxide dismutase 1 (hSOD1) expressed in Escherichia coli, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2018, 65(2):235-240.

15. Yang Zhou, Shaofei Yuan, Qian Liu ,,, Jan Han*, Haifeng Shi*, Synchronized purification and immobilization of his-tagged β-glucosidase via Fe3O4/PMG core/shell magnetic nanoparticles, Scientific Reports, 2017, 2017(7): 41741

16. Yang Zhou#, Jiege Wu#, Feng Lin ,,, Li Gao, Bangxing Hang*, Rapid detection of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus (BmNPV) by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay combined with a lateral flow dipstick method, Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2015, 29(6): 389-395

17. Yang Zhou#, Juan Huo#, TingYa Jiang , HaiFeng Shi*, Subcellular Localization, Transcription, Expression, and Activity of Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase (DLDH) During Developmental Stages and in Different Tissues of Silkworm (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), Annals of the Entomological Society of Amercia, 2015, 108(4): 562-569

18. Hongxing Shen, Wen Zhang, Hua Wang, Yang Zhou*, Shihe Shao. Identification of recombination between Muscovy duck parvovirus and goose parvovirus structural protein genes. Archives of Virology, 2015, 160(10):2617-2621. (通讯)

19. Yang Zhou, Lu Gao, Haifeng Shi ,,, Keping Chen*, Xiaoyong Liu*, Microarray analysis of gene expression profile in resistant and susceptible Bombyx moristrains reveals resistance-related genes to nucleopolyhedrovirus, Genomics, 2013, 101 (4):256-262.

20. 周阳, 王桃桃, 闫丹丹, 王莹莹, 施沁璇, 孙丽慧, 林锋. 类弹性蛋白作为功能纳米材料在生物工程领域研究及应用进展. 生物技术通报, 2020, 36(11):198-208.

21. 周阳, 王啸晨, 严丽荣,韩邦兴. 阿尔茨海默病遗传及信号通路研究进展. 安徽医科大学学报, 2019, 54( 6):994-1000.

22. 蒋廷亚, 袁少飞, 马媛媛, 闫丹丹, 袁平, 谢文茜, 施海峰, 周阳. 自闭症相关拷贝数变异检测及临床意义解读研究进展.中华医学杂志. 2016, 96(11): 905-909.

23. 周阳, 施海峰*. 癫痫的遗传学研究进展.安徽医科大学学报, 2015, 50(3):406-410.

24. 周阳, 庄国庆, 林锋, 蒋廷亚, 袁少飞, 高力, 施海峰*. 锦鲤致病性假单胞菌的分离鉴定及生物学特性研. 西南农业学报, 2015,28(4):1830-33.

25. 周阳, 严丽荣, 袁少飞, 刘海涛, 施海峰*. 氧化应激与阿尔茨海默病. 生命科学研究, 2015, 19(3):265-275.

26. 周阳,袁少飞, 刘海涛, 施海峰*. 氧化应激与阿尔茨海默病.生命科学研究, 2015, 32(5):70-75.


1. Yang Zhou, Haifeng Shi, Iron induced proteomic changes in silkworm Bombyx mori, 17th international biophysics congress, Beijing, China Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2011

2. Yang Zhou, Yawen Cheng, Tingya Chiang, Gongda Yang, Xiaofeng Li, Fengbo Zeng, Xiaocheng Wang, Jun Ge, Lei Liu. Noninvasive Detection of Infection and Rejection in Renal Transplant Patients, 2018 American Transplant Congress (ATC) at the Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA, June 2–6th, 2018

3. 刘磊, 蒋廷亚, 唐笑天, 杨功达, 黎小锋, 陈雅文, 周阳*, 游离DNA在器官肾移植急性排斥和感染中的应用, 2017年器官移植学年会, 中国, 武汉, 2017.10.27-10.29


(1) 周阳,施海峰,高力,陈亮,刘海涛,张春霞,陈克平,一种家蚕核型多角体病毒免疫胶体金试纸条及检测方法,授权,2016.08.24201410647226.0

(2) 周阳,施海峰,高力,陈亮,刘海涛,张春霞,陈克平,一种家蚕核型多角体病毒快速检测试剂盒及检测方法,授权,2017.3201410646786.4

(3) 周阳,袁少飞,王赟,韩娟,刘倩,施海峰,刘海涛,闫丹丹,高力,一种核壳式磁性高分子纳米颗粒在酶的固定化中的应用. 201710030807.3

(4) 高力,周阳,陈克平,张春霞,陈亮,连超群,一种DNA甲基化检测试剂盒及其检测方法,2014.10,中国,201210524641.8

(5) 高力,周阳,陈克平,张春霞,陈亮,连超群,一种基于石墨烯传感器检测DNA突变的方法,2015.7,中国,201310224960.1

(6) 杨功达,蒋廷亚,曾丰波,胡秀弟,黎小锋,陈雅文,刘磊,周阳,检测异源cfDNASNP分子标记及检测方法、用途,实质审查程序,201710334862.1

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