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April 24, 2011
The senior researcher of Amgen, Dr. Tian Wu visited Jiangsu University

On April 22th, 2011, at the invitation of Prof. Haifeng Shi of Institute of Life Science, the senior researcher of United States Amgen pharmaceutical company, Dr. Tian Wu ,visited Jiangsu University and delivered a report titled Large multinational pharmaceutical company drug research and development, at NO.2 conference room in Conference Center . More than 80 teachers and students from Institute of Life Science and other related colleges attended the report. The report was presided over by Prof. Haifeng Shi.

Dr. Wu first introduced the development stages of biological pharmaceutical, the biopharmaceutical status in United States at present, and the new drugs of Amgen. Then, Dr. Tian Wu described the new drug Pik3 which against stomach cancer that Amgen is study hardly, at last he gave more detailed information about the research process and function mechanism as long as the specificity of the new drug Pik3.

After the report, Dr. Tian Wu discussed warmly with the teachers and students on the topics of screening of new cancer drugs, specificity of drugs, and high drug prices. Finally, Dr. Tian Wu gave some suggestions on the teach and research of biological pharmaceutical.

Dr. Tian Wu, graduated from Nanjing University and majored in biochemical, and received Ph.D from chemistry department of University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has been engaged in drug study and pharmacological research. At present, he serves as a senior researcher in Amgen. As the first author, he published several papers in Langmuir, Pharm. Res, j. Phys. Chem, Anal Biochem, and published a paper in Science as the second author. Besides, he received three U.S. patents.

Institute of Life Science
April 24, 2011