Title: Colorectal Carcinogenesis: The beginning of the End in Genomic Next
Generation Sequencing
Speaker: Professor Hassan Ashktorab
Time: April 28th, 14:30
Place: The third report hall of conference center
Sponsoring Agency: Institute of Life Sciences
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer: Hassan Ashktorab,Professor of Howard University. Field of Specialty is Molecular Medicine. Professor Hassan has long been engaged in the study of human disease with very high prestige in the world. He has published more than 90 SCI papers, of which more than 20 articles as the first author, and the total impact factor of the papers is more than 100 points. The research paper named" MSI and epigenetic changes study of in colorectal cancers from African Americans" was published in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY as his representative works, and the impact factor is 17.879. The research paper called "Bax translocation and mitochondrial fragmentation induced by Helicobacter pylori" was published in the Journal GUT, and the impact factor is 13.3.He has won a number of awards, and hosted some major research projects of United States like NIH etc.
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